Pembinaan Pra Lomba Kelurahan 
 Tingkat Kota Banjarmasin Tahun 2024 
Kelurahan Sungai Bilu
 Kecamatan Banjarmasin Timur

Banjarmasin, Kamis 7 Maret 2024


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    The pre-competition development for the 2024 city-level competition in Sungai Bilu, Banjarmasin, is well-organized and informative, with a focus on community involvement and preparation. The comprehensive document effectively communicates the initiatives undertaken and sets a positive tone for community engagement. The detailed outline of the competition provides a clear roadmap for the upcoming event, with a focus on Kelurahan Sungai Bilu's participation. The information on pre-competition development in Sungai Bilu is well-structured and informative, showcasing the commitment to community involvement and setting a positive foundation for a successful event.


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